KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON: Details of nude bike race kept under wraps

The next Philly Naked Bike Ride is coming in August, but organizers of the annual jaunt in the City of Brotherly Love to promote fuel conservation and positive body image said they are holding the Aug. 26 starting location and route under wraps and will disclose them the day before.
Previous rides have zipped past sites including Independence Hall, the US Mint, the Liberty Bell, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where Sylvester Stallone sprinted up the steps in “Rocky.” The 2020 ride was called off because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The 16-km. Philadelphia ride, related to the World Naked Bike Ride movement, draws about 3,000 bikers in the buff. Organizers say they hope it encourages people to bike more and to embrace nudity as a normal and enjoyable part of life.
The ride used to be held in September, but the nude bicyclists said it was too chilly, with temperatures reaching only as high as about 21 degrees Celsius), so in 2019 it was moved to August.
First published at Travel Industry Today